Archives For Liz

The Case for Pastels

Mary Liz Ingram —  February 6, 2013 — 3 Comments

Ahem, ahem…let me clear my throat before I begin on this apparently sensitive subject.

I myself have been known to get quite feisty over the matter, cheeks flushing and all. I have most recently been in a bit of an irritable mood over the query, and I just can’t shake it. So, it must be addressed. Allow me to present the case:

“Order in the court! Will the defendant please rise. Pastel picture, you are now on trial. Please answer the following question:

Are you a painting, or a drawing?” Continue Reading…

I’d like to introduce you to a member of the family. This unique relative likes to think outside the box, does not like to be constrained, and has an oily quality.

Meet soft pastel’s cousin, the oil pastel.

regular sized oil pastels

regular sized oil pastels

Now, let me tell you how I met the oil pastel, well, good oil pastels. We can all remember those crayon-like oil pastels from school art class; how their waxy marks just make a smeary mess. Who knew there was something better out there!? It’s like the difference between blackboard chalk and good soft pastels: like a whole different art medium. But I digress… Continue Reading…

pastels & card

my pastels & card

There they are, those beautiful sticks of soft pastels. They are about the size of my pointer finger, and while mine may be a bit messy, they are full of beautiful, creamy, vibrant color.

I have my pastel card cut and I’m ready to begin.

Wow: big pastel, tiny paper. How is it to be done???

My biggest sellers are mini pastels, 2×3″ to 4×4″ pastels on card, framed. When teaching classes, one of the tricks my students are encouraged to master is the ability to hold a chunky pastel just right, in order to achieve a very fine line. It can be done!

No matter how rounded my pastels look, I can always find an edge. Sometimes I have to break them (painful, I know…but it must be done!), or use a small “crumb.” When handled correctly, I can get a thin eyelash even on a small piece of art. Continue Reading…


Mary Liz Ingram —  January 30, 2013 — Leave a comment

I’m a bookworm.

I love to read, and I read everyday. I read when I rest with baby, on lazy mornings while sipping coffee, and every night before I go to sleep. This love of reading has been literally passed down through my dad’s side of the family through generations. We have this tradition of book-sharing, and you MUST initial the inside cover signifying completion before you pass it along.

Valentine Williams

My favorite books are, as I call them, light mysteries…you know, the kind without any disturbing, gory crimes. Just good “whodunits” that keep you guessing. For example, I’ve read all the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, most books by Dick Francis, and I’m currently reading my grandfather’s 1930s editions of Valentine Williams’ Secret Service Series. Love it.

Writing inspires me. Much of my art has been inspired by words: poetry of William Blake and Emily Dickinson, Southern literature like Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns, and poetry and stories that I write like Little Feathers and my Such is Life series.

Here are a few of my pieces that have been inspired by literature: Continue Reading…

Such is Life, Act Three

Mary Liz Ingram —  January 28, 2013 — 1 Comment

The lights dimmed and the curtain raised, the stage once again reveals the now-familiar, bustling family of five.

In the driveway of their small suburban home, the father is buckling the well-padded baby into her snug carseat, making skilled attempts to wiggle her arms through the straps, as she works hard to get them out. The mother pulls at jackets and lifts under arms, ushering the bundled older children into the back of car with their loads of explorer-worthy trappings. Finally, children strapped in place, the parents take their seats and the family van pulls onto the road.

It’s a vacation day: pancakes have been eaten, lazy sipping of coffee has ensued, relaxation has crept into this usually-busy group. It’s a crisp, sunny day and the normally scheduled, organized family feels the need for a bit of spontaneity.

Time for a family hike. Continue Reading…

My Firstborn

Mary Liz Ingram —  January 26, 2013 — Leave a comment

Beginnings…there’s something about them that you just can’t forget.

I remember down to every detail, the moments when I first met each of my children. I remember the first time I met the man who has been my husband for almost 11 years.

And I remember when I drew my first pastel. It was seven years ago, and began as a doodle, just to entertain on a dull afternoon. I sketched out a picture of my first baby in black. Then I absent-mindedly added a bit of color here and there.

Congratulations all around! My firstborn pastel entered the world.

Snack Time, 8x10 pastel on newsprint

Snack Time, 8×10 pastel on newsprint

From there, I dabbled here and there and stumbled my way to my own set of pastel techniques.

If you’d like to meet my first “full color” pastel, as you might say, visit my previous post Memories.


My Nemesis

Mary Liz Ingram —  January 24, 2013 — 3 Comments

You know the feeling: your nemesis approaches. You want to cringe away; your eyes narrow, lips compress. Your palms might begin to sweat, or you get fidgety, anxiety rising. The dreaded moment draws near when you and your adversary are forced to interact.

It’s time I confess my greatest enemy. Continue Reading…

Such is Life, Act Two

Mary Liz Ingram —  January 21, 2013 — 2 Comments

An intermission has ended, as the routine of life has been lived another week. The audience takes a seat once more, as the curtain is raised.

The stage, reset, now reveals a sunny winter’s day at the small home on the fringes of a bustling Southern city. The young working mother takes her place in the haven of leather armchair, a brief respite from the busy game of everyday life. On stage right, the baby naps in her crib. Stage left, the other children play together in a tango of happy cooperation and bossy annoyance.

Her head resting askew upon her supportive hand, the mother reminisces upon the events of a few days past, when the city slowed to a crawl. The spotlight centers on her place, as she recalls the day when the snow began to fall. Continue Reading…

I Will Light Candles…

Morning Vigil, 6x12" pastel on card

Morning Vigil, 6×12″ pastel on card

Candles of joy, despite all sadness,

Candles of hope where despair keeps watch.

Candles of courage where fear is ever present,

Candles of peace for tempest-tossed days,

Candles of grace to ease heavy burdens.

Candles of love to inspire all my living.

Candles that will burn all the year long.

-Howard Thurman

Sunday thoughts…

Chalk on a blackboard. What images pop into your mind? Math class, handwriting lessons, doodling in the corner when the teacher wasn’t looking….

Well allow me to introduce a new image: creating a pastel painting on a black board. If you know me at all, or follow my blog, you will know I love, love, love a good black base for my pastels. Up until today, this only meant that I start with black pastel.

But today, (drum roll please…) I created my own black pastel board!

Let me walk you through the process, and show you my results: Continue Reading…