Archives For horse

Farmyard Additions

Mary Liz Ingram —  August 24, 2013 — Leave a comment

How many pigs does it take to make a drove? How many cows to make a herd? How many sheep to make a flock?

Whatever the answer, I’ve added a few more to my farmyard brood. Each of these new friends wants a home, and are currently boarding with me before making their way to the foster families at Alabama Goods and elsewhere.

Let me know if you are interested in adopting! Email:

Those Days…

Mary Liz Ingram —  August 22, 2013 — Leave a comment

Marriage is bliss.

But sometimes you act like a horse’s behind, stubborn as a mule, a jack…well, you get the point.

My husband and I had one of those days a few weeks ago. We were tired, cranky, just plain obstinate. Sometimes it’s best to go to your separate corners for a bit.

In one corner, he typed away on his blog.

In the other corner, I drew a mule. Fitting form of venting, I thought.

It worked, too.

We both felt better, hugged and made up, and I now present to you one of my newest pastels, “Horace.”

Horace, 8x10 pastel on card, $175 framed

Horace, 8×10 pastel on card, $175 framed