Archives For birthday


Mary Liz Ingram —  October 15, 2014 — 2 Comments

Grandaddy, ink doodleMy Grandaddy just turned 97 years old, and I have to say, he is one of the coolest people I know. My little family and I had the privilege to live with him for a year during our move back to Birmingham in 2008, and that remains one of our favorite experiences.

Grandaddy is sharp, hilarious and awesome. He eats a big breakfast at his table every morning, and after a year of joining him for eggs, bacon, toast, strawberries, milk, juice and coffee, the Ingrams still sit down each morning for breakfast together no matter what.

I read his old mysteries, which fill my shelves, and we rotate Dick Francis books between three of us: me, Grandaddy and my Dad, always making sure to sign our name in the front cover after we finish. He cares about people, and has lived a rich life, full of stories and jokes. He loves my grandmother, who taught me to paint and draw and create, and years after her death, he remarried in his 90s and is a happy, funny man.

Everybody who knows him can’t get enough of Buddy Moses. He’s a cool chap.

Grandaddy, ink doodle

Grandaddy, ink doodle


Belle Nuit

Mary Liz Ingram —  September 1, 2013 — Leave a comment

C’était une belle soirée pour un dîner d’anniversaire. Nous avons eu martinis et le dîner au restaurant Chez Fonfon. La nuit était chaude, le soleil couchant d’or. Nous avons eu une petite table romantique pour deux. Je ne parle pas français. J’utilise un traducteur, donc je ne suis pas sûr de ce que j’ai réellement dit. J’espère que c’est juste!

Mais je m’égare.

Ah, if only I’d spent my birthday dinner in Paris…

Highland Martini, charcoal sketch

Highland Martini, charcoal sketch


1 dozen chocolate-covered, custard-filled birthday donuts, charcoal & conte sketch

1 dozen chocolate-covered, custard-filled birthday donuts, charcoal & conte sketch

On the second day of Christmas sketches…

Today is a very important day in our household. We’ve been preparing and counting down for a very long time. Today our little boy turns five! Of course parents are all biased toward our own children, but this little dude is truly something special.

As I reflect on finding peace in this day, it is fitting that my lesson comes from Patrick:

Be happy being you

He has no shame wearing his pants backwards all day;  he once wore a Darth Vader mask out to dinner, wondering why people were looking at him; a big pack of paper and a bunch of tape makes his day.

For his special birthday dinner, the dude chose chicken noodle soup (from the can only! Very specific…no delicious homemade stuff by Chef Dad).

For his special birthday school-treat, he requested chocolate-covered, custard-filled donuts for all.

He knows what he likes. He is happy being Patrick. He is quirky, wonderful and content.

As he celebrates many more birthdays in the future, I hope he will continue to grow in his contentment…and I hope I can learn to be at peace with who I am, my quirks and faults, good parts and bad; to stop being so demanding of myself, and be thankful for my life… learning yet another of many lessons from my funny birthday boy.

Christmas can bring out our crazy, but it can also bring out what is good and kind.

Don’t be afraid to like what you like, and be who you are. We each add something unique and beautiful to the world, that wasn’t there before. What are ways you can find greater peace with who you are?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver

2 Turtle Doves

2 Turtle Doves