Archives For Art

Trail of Stones

Mary Liz Ingram —  August 18, 2013 — 2 Comments

There are days marked in our lives with white stones. We can never forget them. Recollections, a very easy effort of memory, seem to bring back even in some measure the very thrill, the same pulsations and emotions, as were kindled into life by certain never-to-be-forgotten happenings. Time cannot weaken them. Whilst we have life the memory of them is eternal. And there are other days against the memory of which we have dropped a black stone. We shrink from anything which may recall them. No sacrifice would seem too great if only we could set the seal of oblivion upon those few hated hours. We school ourselves to close our eyes, and turn our heads away from anything which might in any manner recall them to us.

The Yellow House, E. Phillips Oppenheim

I close my eyes, and see my life in footsteps, walking down the path of my days as Hansel and Gretel, leaving a trail of carefully laid stones behind. Here I drop a small white stone, there a few more, here a black stone, another white; some large, some small, images of events through which I’ve walked in the moments that lie before today.

I sit listening to the story of an acquaintance. I do not know the stories of this life, but I see a glimpse that reminds me that stories lie tucked away in the speaker’s heart. I remember we all have a story, littered with joys and pain.

Trail of Stones, pastel on cardI read chapters from an old book, as I lay safely nestled in my bed. I am reminded that our journey is unpredictable and bound towards a mixture of triumph and tragedy.

While the black stones are unmistakable, they are but moments in our long life. The white stones outnumber and shine like goodness. No matter what stones lay on your path of life, life is long and deep and full of redemption.

My children grow and flourish, my family is held in love. My baby walks and dances to Elmo. My daughter grows too big for me to carry and prepares for school. My son spins on his head and enters Kindergarten. My husband publishes his books and holds me tight. My friends are close and full of laughter. My life is so good and so full, built of a journey taken step by fumbling step.

The ghosts that we knew made us all black and all blue, But we’ll live a long life. And the ghosts that we knew will flicker from view, And we’ll live a long life. -“Ghosts That We Knew”, Mumford & Sons

Trail of Stones, pastel on card

Trail of Stones, pastel on card

Gift Away!

Mary Liz Ingram —  August 10, 2013 — Leave a comment

Sometimes it’s so hard to choose a piece of art for a friend! Or you want to commission a portrait for a family member, but you’re not sure which photo they would like. If you’re stuck, I have a new option for you:

I’m happy to announce that I now offer Gift Cards for artwork!

Gift cards can be purchased in any amount and are redeemable for commissioned or available pastel paintings of chosen value.

Gift Card


Gift cards will be written for the amount paid & purchase intention noted (ex: 5×7 framed pastel; 8×10 unframed portrait, etc.). Gift cards will be signed by the artist for authenticity. Those receiving gift cards may upgrade to higher-priced artwork by paying the balance. 

Day 1: Legs itched like crazy. Had to stop.

Day 2: I’m going to DIE. Seriously, I might.

Day 3: I’m not going to die. But it’s close.

Day 4: I ran the first mile without stopping. 

I bought new shoes.

This was my motivation to begin jogging again. They are fabulously bright, with neon orange shoestrings and grass-green insoles. That, and my coordinated running clothes (dressing the part always makes it more fun), are about the only thing I like about exercising. I really don’t like exercising at all: I have to get up really early, I’m sore most of the day, and I fall asleep on the couch at 9:30.

Exercise is one of those nagging reminders that a healthy lifestyle brings to my guilty mind. So this week I started trying to relieve that guilt, and get in shape. GO TEAM INGRAM!

I do enjoy “going somewhere,” which is why I only like to jog outside: no track, no gym for me. I’m too tired in the morning to do yoga, and the cat gets all up in my business. So ear phones in, new shoes on, and off I go down the street for the sunrise.

Here’s hoping I can keep it up when it gets chilly! I’m an exercise wimp!

New Shoes, ink & colored pencil sketch

New Shoes, ink & colored pencil sketch

Art Sale!

Mary Liz Ingram —  August 6, 2013 — Leave a comment

tiny house + busy artist = lack of space

I’m a problem solver, and I’ve run into a problem. You see, I’ve got quite a lot of art work on my hands: prize winners, larger show pieces, old favorites that I’ve held onto for awhile, higher-priced items waiting for the right home. But, being the industrious artist I try to be, I keep making new ones. And there’s no room left in my tiny house, with 5 people and a cat, to store these framed and ready works of art. Plus, they really want a nice home, with wall to decorate and people to view them, instead of living in my son’s dark closet surrounded by winter coats.

What kind of life is that, I ask you?

To correct this unfortunate situation (drum roll, please…….)

I’m having an ART SALE!

Yep, that’s right folks: 50% off original prices on the pastel paintings below. They are framed and ready for a wall near you!  Just send me an email if you’re interested, and we’ll get these old friends off to new and much more exciting places! You can reach me at:


Find out more about these pieces! Visit the links below:

The Raven

Hay Fields

The Weaver


Full of fun, for kicks & grins, a hospital is not.

You go there when you’re injured. You go there when a friend or loved one is sick. You go there to get well, to encourage others in their healing. Granted, you do go there to celebrate life, especially when babies are born, but for the most part, a hospital is not the picture of excitement.

But in this hospital (and many others) you can find a picture of peace, a picture of beauty, a picture of humor, a picture of escape.

Several area hospitals have art galleries, and this month, my art is on display and for sale at the Brookwood Medical Center’s Art Gallery in Birmingham, Alabama.

Twelve pastel pieces ranging in size and price are featured for the month of August. I hope the images brighten the days of those who pass by, and maybe spark a happy memory to bring a little courage into a struggle, and peace into the day.

Brookwood Hospital Gallery

You give life to something new. They grow up, and move away before you know it.

In this case, my barnyard buddies were born on paper from pastel-covered fingers. They grew into their frames and were whisked away into another life before I knew it.


Time goes by so fast. It’s time to look back and ask the age old question,

“Where are they now?”


But seriously…A bunch of our new friends have found good homes in the past few days!

I’m happy to announce that my work is now included at Andrea Lucas Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. Here are the fab 5 now for sale (next to the famous Irondale Cafe, for you locals!):

Andrea Lucas Studios

Our other three farmyard pals have been relocated to walls nearby, and as far away as Texas:

Relocated, 3 in 1 And finally, these two buddies found a new home! I am very proud of them as they grow up and move on, but I won’t stay an empty-nester for long. More barnyard friends to come…

Pair of pigs, pastels on card




It Figures…

Mary Liz Ingram —  July 31, 2013 — 2 Comments

“Every person needs to take one day away. A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future…. A day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.” -Maya Angelou, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey

Sometimes you just need a break… get away from it all, clear your head, breathe in life.

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. He so sweetly surprised me by taking me on a long journey, far away to a Scottish resort.

Okay, really we dropped off our three kids at my parents’ house and drove 15 minutes to a lovely resort which felt very far away (and they did play bagpipes at sunset!). It was a fabulous 18 hours of relaxation and peace. We were both able to hang out in our respective spa areas for quite awhile and have a massage.

Now let me tell you something about Mary Liz and massages:

I’m a bit uptight. Massages stress me out a bit. I get nervous beforehand, and try my best, in my yammering stream of consciousness, to relax. But still…massages are lovely. Somewhere in between feeling awkward, wondering how many nasty feet the guy rubs a day, and finding my happy place, I began contemplating the human body: muscles, skin, shapes of calves…we people are pretty cool.

When we returned from our mini vacation, refreshed and ready to hug our tiny people, I felt inspired to do some figure drawing. 

Right down the road, there is a figure drawing class once a week in the evening. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work in my family schedule, so… I tried the next best thing. Home alone, kids asleep, I had to draw myself. I’m not a fan of pictures or drawings of myself, but you do what you gotta do to feed a whim.

So I present to you two self-portrait sketches, in graphite on paper.

Self portrait, graphite sketch

Self portrait, graphite sketch

Self portrait, graphite sketch

Self portrait, graphite sketch




Following Whims

Mary Liz Ingram —  July 30, 2013 — 2 Comments

Maybe it’s my artistic nature.

Maybe it’s the quirkiness inherited from my granny, as my family attests.

Maybe it’s because I can’t seem to grow up.

Whatever the reason, I get carried away by whims fairly often.

This time, my mother says, I’ve used up my “whim allowance” for awhile. My latest whim was a little larger than usual.

About 4x8x10 feet large, if I estimate correctly (and, as an artist, I’m not the best measurer. Eyeball it!!!).

We built a fort of all forts. It is spectacular. My children are in heaven.

I had to rope in reinforcements = my parents & husband.

But here is our fabulous, home-made (or built) result!

Flying Pastels

Mary Liz Ingram —  July 28, 2013 — Leave a comment

So while my blog posts have been lagging, my pastels have been flying.

This week I completed 9 pastels in anticipation of upcoming opportunities. I worked hard every afternoon after work, usually while the baby snoozed.

They range in price from $55 for the 4×4, $135 for 8x8s, and $175 for 8x10s.

Let me introduce you to our new barnyard friends:


Mary Liz Ingram —  July 16, 2013 — 2 Comments
Chair with apple, graphite sketch

Chair with apple, graphite sketch

Sunday mornings are made for lounging, an always calming day of rest. 

We’re always on the go: working, playing, living. It’s important to me to also stop. To rest, to reset, to pause and refresh.

Some might say that Sundays are made for church-going, especially since we live in the southern U.S., aka “the Bible Belt.” My husband works at a Methodist church, a published and well-known youth minister (!). The kids and I get up and go fairly often, but not in a rush or in perfection. It’s taken me awhile, and much attitude-adjusting, to go without stress or pressure or guilt, to go without feeling a burden of expectations. This is also part of the South.

I’m just beginning to go in restfulness, often meaning my hair is still damp, my dress is comfortable, and I’m there with my family in peace. It’s hard to add another place to be, and sometimes staying home in quiet is most needed.

This past Sunday we didn’t go to church. We rested well together. We loved and laughed and lived. We learned about bugs and plants, we ate three meals at our table together, we built forts and unloaded the dishwasher together, and we took care of one another.

These things are important too.