For months, I’ve been consumed with my latest project:
My fabulous front yard garden.
I’ve researched, I’ve measured, I’ve sketched and planned. I’ve shoveled dirt, I’ve carried rocks, I’ve moved buckets and buckets of soil. I’ve planted, I’ve watered, I’ve problem solved, I’ve watched food grow, I’ve eaten produce from my front yard.
- Garden helper
- Bucket by bucket
- Seeds & Stakes
- Growing garden
- Pea Vines
- Ruby Red Radishes
With my trusty helpers, including the 2 year old, we have made my dream a reality and I have to admit I am super proud – giddy even. If you follow my blog, you may remember my post from St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, when I was first inspired to plant the garden. Well, I’m happy to say I DID IT. I did it!!! And if you follow me on Facebook, you’ve been barraged with garden doodles.
In planting, I tried to be responsible – environmentally, economically and practically. After a persistent search, I found an amazing deal on recycled fire bricks ($25 a ton!) to edge my garden. I ordered a huge dump truck load of soil at the best price. I compost and I now own a $40 rain barrel. I ordered non GMO seeds ($.99 sample packs!) from and they grew. I shop at my local Homewood Garden Shop and have healthy blueberry bushes and lovely plants.
I worked my butt off building and planting this garden.
Beginning at the end of August, in the Alabama heat, I made it happen with my ever-present garden buddy. My kids, especially my son, now understand exactly where food comes from and how to grow it and care for it. My son waters it, pulls grass out of it, harvests the radishes, and takes a walk through it every time I open the door.
- Radish harvest
- Collards
- Success
- Food!
- Salad
My garden is planted to grow community.
I didn’t know how that would work, but the first day I was out there I had real conversations with a dozen people, neighbors and passers-by. I share food with my neighbors and have met all sorts of new people. My kids tell anyone who asks about the plants growing, and I find that food is an easy thing to discuss, a common denominator.
My favorite story happened a few weeks ago. As we walked home from school, I began talking to an older lady about rosemary, as our kids were smelling it by someone’s mailbox. I just made a quick comment, not aiming at anything, not trying too hard. A few words later, we were talking about my garden. She was interested and missed her garden, as she said, “in my country, we have sun everyday and I grow many plants.” As we parted ways, I told her to stop by anytime and see the garden and take some herbs.
A week later, she stopped me at the corner with her two grandsons and asked if they could walk down to see the garden. On our short stroll, I find out they are from Haiti, and that her entire family was there during the earthquake except for her. She had arrived in the US four days before the quake for a wedding, and was plagued with anxiety over the separation at such a time. I now know her name, I know a portion of her amazing story, and the kids all ran together along the stepping stones of my garden.
Growing something, overcoming obstacles (like cats, cabbage worms, flooding rains, aphids…), being faithfully attentive and persistent…you learn things from gardening. About life, about children, about the world. I feel at peace and connected to nature when I’m checking the leaves and hearing the spray of water hitting the thick pile of green collards. It is a small miracle to see a snow pea sprout and grow out of the dirt, mere days after planting. There are more benefits to this garden than I can name.
My Garden Doodles thus far:
- The garden begins, ink doodles
- Fire brick mover, ink doodle
- King of the Mountain, ink doodle
- Truck load of soil, ink doodle
- Freshly Planted, ink & marker doodle
- Seeds planted, ink & marker doodle
- Blueberry Bush & Heat Wave, ink & marker doodle
- Blueberry Bush, ink & marker doodle
- Watering Can & Rain Barrel, ink & marker doodle
- Rain Barrel at work, ink & marker doodles
- Watering, ink & marker doodle
- Rain Barrel, ink & maker doodle
- Marigold, ink & marker doodle
- Marigold, ink & marker doodle
- Marigolds, ink & marker doodle
- Weeds, ink & marker doodle
- Peas, ink & marker doodle
- Sprinkler Hog, ink doodle
- Night Watering, ink & marker doodle
- Trusty Assistant, ink & marker doodle
- Radish Scraper, ink & marker doodles
- Garden Visitor, ink & marker doodle
- New Radish, ink & marker doodle
- New Radishes, ink & marker doodle
- Lettuce Sprouts, ink & marker doodles
- Lettuce Muncher, ink & marker doodle
- Trellises & Stings, ink & marker doodles
- Pea Trellises, ink & marker doodle
- Bean Trellis, ink & marker doodle
- Hornet Sting, ink & marker doodle
- New Peas & Beans, ink & marker doodles
- Rooted Basil, ink & marker doodle
- Swiss Chard, ink & marker doodle
- Basil, ink & marker doodle
- Sweet Pea Flowers, ink & marker doodle
- Butterfly, ink & marker doodle
Very good activities wish you success !
thank you! 🙂
You are just amazing! Seriously, I don’t see how you do all that you do! Im in awe of you,your family, AND your fabulous garden! I see a one -woman art show in your future that showcases all your beautiful artworks of your garden, along with some actual fruits of your labor! You can have the art displayed on the wall, along with a kind of “mini” farmers market! Lol…Put little Patrick in a pair of overalls and a straw hat and voila! You’ll have a hit on your hands! Lol…b&w, I sure do miss seeing y’all at work! Love y’all!
Ha ha ha thanks Carl!!! You’re awesome 🙂