Archives For building

Following Whims

Mary Liz Ingram —  July 30, 2013 — 2 Comments

Maybe it’s my artistic nature.

Maybe it’s the quirkiness inherited from my granny, as my family attests.

Maybe it’s because I can’t seem to grow up.

Whatever the reason, I get carried away by whims fairly often.

This time, my mother says, I’ve used up my “whim allowance” for awhile. My latest whim was a little larger than usual.

About 4x8x10 feet large, if I estimate correctly (and, as an artist, I’m not the best measurer. Eyeball it!!!).

We built a fort of all forts. It is spectacular. My children are in heaven.

I had to rope in reinforcements = my parents & husband.

But here is our fabulous, home-made (or built) result!