Archives For beginning

My Firstborn

Mary Liz Ingram —  January 26, 2013 — Leave a comment

Beginnings…there’s something about them that you just can’t forget.

I remember down to every detail, the moments when I first met each of my children. I remember the first time I met the man who has been my husband for almost 11 years.

And I remember when I drew my first pastel. It was seven years ago, and began as a doodle, just to entertain on a dull afternoon. I sketched out a picture of my first baby in black. Then I absent-mindedly added a bit of color here and there.

Congratulations all around! My firstborn pastel entered the world.

Snack Time, 8x10 pastel on newsprint

Snack Time, 8×10 pastel on newsprint

From there, I dabbled here and there and stumbled my way to my own set of pastel techniques.

If you’d like to meet my first “full color” pastel, as you might say, visit my previous post Memories.