Archives For children

Favorite Things

marylizingramart —  July 14, 2012 — 1 Comment

Favorite Things, Graphite Sketch…Saturday morning, time for moving slowly, staying in pjs, watching cartoons, and drinking an un-rushed cup of coffee. I had more time for a morning sketch today, so I sat for awhile thinking about the essence of our Saturday mornings. As I watched my pajama-clad children playing, a conversation from yesterday about childhood comforts drifted into my mind. My children all have a “favorite thing,” even my infant. The three well-loved objects speak of cozy comfort, of security and warmth. They snuggle them in sleeping, they hold them in sadness, they carry them in play. So here are “Uni,” “Babo” and my baby girl’s lovey. Just looking at them fills me with comfort and love…




Pizza Break

marylizingramart —  July 11, 2012 — 1 Comment

Pizza Break, Ink Sketch…Here are a few things about me: I try hard to eat healthy food and to feed my children well-balanced meals. I buy organic products when I can. In a small effort to “save the planet,” I always use “real plates” to eat on, and we use fabric napkins. I have three kids and a pretty demanding job, along with being an artist. I try to keep my house tidy, my family happy, and all my neat little ducks in a row. I try to go an extra step, do a little more…but sometimes, you have to know when to give yourself a break. To order a pizza with no vegetables and eat on paper plates. Today was that sort of day; tonight, that sort of night. I woke up this morning with just enough time to get ready and out the door with my three side-kicks in tow…no time for a morning sketch. Part of this “artistic endeavor” is to be realistic about my place in life at this moment in time…and sticking to my own rules to the detriment of my sanity is something I can do without! So pizza night it was, and evening drawing it is!